Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Yesterday, I was working in my office, when I heard a strange sound and vibration. It felt/sound like somehing fell on the roof of the house. I went outside to see if anything did, but all was good.

I just now checked the local newspaper article, and they reported that it was an earthquake yesterday. Click here for the article.

Wow, how exciting, my very first earthquake!!!!!

Shake on....

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You never forget your first!

Mine was back when I was living in Memphis (at least fifteen years ago now). Unfortunately, I was so drugged-up on Nyquil that I almost didn’t realize that we were having an earthquake.

I had had a flu and had stayed home the day and was up only because after sleeping in the arms of Vicks Nyquil all day, I needed something to eat. I was in my kitchen when the quake hit and at first I thought it was a big truck going by. Other than the fact that the television was on and someone on the newscast I was watching made comment that it was an earthquake I would have dismissed it immediately.

As it was, I almost thought it was a figment of my imagination until I read about it in the paper the next day.

Oh well… not much to remember, but it was my first!
