Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Monoslideshow and Error Fixed (technical explanation)

I have been trying to figure out WHY on IE6/7 sometimes my picture slideshow would error out with Error loading MonoSlideshow.xml.

It appeared to be caused by Internet Explorer caching "incorrectly" the flash file. Also on my Apple OSX machines I did NOT see the problem.

I even posted to the user forum on the Monoslideshow website with no answer. Click here for my original question and my response under username mmowery

After digging for several hours on the internet, I discovered a hack to so IE wont cache the SWF (Flash) file. YES!!!!

So HOPEFULLY, all of you that have been getting errors when you re-visit my blog, will not have this problem any more.

If you DO see the error again, please post a comment so I can try to debug it.

Thank you,