Monday, October 05, 2009

Fall Colors during Mom and Dad's Visit

Mom and Dad visited me (and the furry kids) this past weekend. On Saturday, we went for a drive over Last Dollar road and East and West Dallas roads. We did not take that many pictures, but it was a wonderful day.

Note: To start slide show click above, also to make the slide show go full screen click on the icon in the lower right (one with 4 arrows) on the slideshow viewer.


Unknown said...

Hey, Mike!

As always great pix! I cannot believe how lovely it is up there! Have a great fall/winter!


Hyperspider said...

Maybe next year you can come down and we can do a photo shoot together. Just about ready to post pictures from last night.

Lisa Wilson said...

Wonderful! Glad your parents got to see some fall colors.

困っています。 said...


¥倶楽部 said...
