Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Dear Schlappi....

As many of you know, Schlappi has very advanced liver cancer.  I am up at 4 am, because I can't sleep.  He is in my study right now, looking at me with those Schlappi eyes.  It has been a couple of days since he was diagnosed, and Mary Dawn and I have spent some very quality time with him.  We both hope for a miracle, but understand that he may leave us any day now.

Actually, I have been dreading writing this post, because I was not ready...  However, I feel I need to let people who follow my blog about how he is doing.  So many pictures of Schlappi are posted here on how he influenced my life.

He just now crawled under my desk, laying on my bare feet.  Ugh...  This is so difficult...  I need to be strong.  Oh Dear Schlappi, you will always be in our hearts.  

Ok, I guess I will use Mary Dawn's email that she sent out the other day to finish up this post.  
Following weeks of not eating and multiple trips to the vet, an ultrasound done this am revealed two large masses growing off of our dear, Schlappi's liver. The masses are cancer and it is quite advanced. We have brought him home today and will continue to force feed him, give him as much love that we can and let him do all of the things he loves best. He does not have the vet said.

He is our most loving and loyal companion and I cannot imagine him not being in our lives. He is the inspiration behind Alpen Schatz...and in effect IS Alpen Schatz. He has also been my inspiration for over 7 years and my daily joy every waking day. Cannot imagine life without him.

He has always loved humans, esp. children and babies, as well as all creatures from my little bird Sunshine that I once had, to our kitties, to other dogs, cats, and even his buddy the Porcupine, who he has encountered at least three times in the past few years.

Please, please say a prayer for him and if there are miracles out there, let it take place now and take this awful cancer away from him. He is much too young to die. Our dearest loving Schlappi...and the original Alpen Schatzi.

Mary Dawn


Unknown said...


How sad to hear! I hope that Schlappi will be comfortable to the end. Being a dog guy myself, I know how much they impact our lives.

My best to you...


Sean Sutherland said...

Hey Mike,

I know this must be very hard. I will be thinking about this all day sending the best vibes your way that I can. Best wishes to Schlappi and to you and Mary Dawn.


Mike said...

Sorry to hear about Schlappi. Our thoughts are with you.