Monday, April 06, 2009

Its a Wrap of Telluride Ski Season 2009 in Bubble Wrap

About a month ago, I had this idea for an end of season costume. I told it to my friend Daryl and he liked it. So with the help of Mary Dawn, we pulled it off.

Last Sunday was the main closing of the ski mountain and it is tradition to dress up in costume. Mary Dawn and I wanted to hike up from the Homestead to the ski run. The first pictures are of skiing the driveway and then hiking up to Marmot Ski Run across the Beaver Pond.

The following photos are of Daryl and I wrapped up by Mary Dawn and the ski pictures that followed. Yes, we stopped by several watering holes a long the way.

Mary Dawn did take a video of me "telemarking" in my wrap.

Overall it was a great time, only had a few bumps and bruises from the day. Thanks goes to Mary Dawn for all the hard work and Ande for driving us home that night!


Mike said...

You sure do ski better now than you did when we were in high school. Nice costume - looks like you guys had fun!

Hyperspider said...

I DO get a few days on the hill, so I should look a little better. I normally Alpine ski instead of Tele but it was all about the buzz on that day. Loads of fun.