Sunday, April 12, 2009

Telluride End of the Season 2009 (Take 2) and Thoughts

Last 2 days of the Season it snowed 20". The skiing was fantastic, ok it was heavy yesterday, but today was BLISS. I had so much fun, I did not want to stop and celebrate.

So you ask, I thought last weekend was "A Wrap up" of the season. Well they kept 2 lifts open, this past week for an extended season. I skied Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Friday was warm and nice and soft slush. Fun!
Saturday it started to snow, it was heavy at the bottom, but I still had lots of fun.
Sunday (Today), the snow kept coming. Wow, it was so NICE today.

Ok so, what is up with the pink outfit? (see photos). Well, it was supposed to be a Luau, but the weather did not corporate. No one was in the mood, the skiing was that GREAT! I had my quick-dry hawaiian shorts on, but no photo show this.

Anyway, it was a good season of skiing. I had better years, but it was still a lot of fun. December was huge!. Overall, I had 38 days of skiing at T-Ride. This is probably my lowest total since I moved to Telluride. Also, my goal to do all the black, double black and expert runs did NOT happen.

My Tele got a little better this year, and my alpine skiing was refined a bit as well. This year, I really started to explore some of the powder stashes hidden in bounds this year. Overall, my confidence in doing more technical terrain was increased.

My knees held up, no major tweeks or aches. Never got into prime skiing shape, but that is OK.

My skis and boots will probably need to be swapped out next year. Both have seen some hard skiing that last 3-4 years.

Hmmmm, a bit sad writing this post, it does not feel like it skiing should be done. Especially, when it is snowing outside right now. But spring is around the corner, and then it will be summer and then fall, and then skiing again!!!!!

Thanks to all who made this a great season.
* * * * *

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