Monday, January 02, 2006

Oh, Monday is a Holiday!!!

So last night (Sunday), it totaly dawned on me that today (Monday) was a paid holiday! (New Years Day was on a Sunday)


So, I deciced to go sking. My unlimitted lesson pass was now valid, so I thought I would also take a lesson. After warming up on a few runs, I went down into Mountain Village to sign up for a Alpine lesson.

I have had good luck with both my Tele and Alpine lessons, and was looking forward to it. Even though I am a "good" Alpine skier, I also feel that one can pick up a tip here or there.

Now here is the funny part, my group was made up of 5 60+ ladies and the instructor. They all were good skiers, and a lot of fun, but I might not have gotten as much out of this lesson.

The shot shown is at the highest point on the area. At the top of Chair 14 (Gold Hill) it 12,225 Feet and was a bit windy and chilly this morning. Click here of the area.

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